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The Void in Society

Without our knowledge or wish, we are born into this world, entering a society that shapes us from our earliest moments. As we grow, society's influence permeates our thoughts and actions, guiding us along paths we did not initially choose. However, amid this influence, a troubling phenomenon emerges: the normalization of sins. This silent acquiescence to wrongdoing creates a profound void in our moral landscape, a void that calls for reflection and change.

We witness inhabitants being expelled from their own lands, their right to live trampled by the boots of oppressors. Society often responds with a deafening silence, born from fear, ego, or complicity. When the resistance to oppression is labeled a crime, and mob lynching becomes an accepted horror, we must ask ourselves: what moral compass guides us? When crimes are normalized, when we turn a blind eye to injustice, we reveal a deep moral failing within our collective conscience.

Consider the plight of women in our society. We speak of empowerment and equality, yet seldom do we see women replacing men as rulers in significant numbers. Instead of truly exercising freedom and democracy, we often witness the spread of hatred against specific religions, ethnicities, colors, and languages. This hypocrisy highlights a disturbing reality: our proclamations of progress are often empty, masking the persistent inequalities and prejudices that plague our world.

We are born with bare hands, and with bare hands, we die. In this brief span of life, it is our duty to confront the moral void and strive for a society where justice and compassion prevail. We must challenge the normalization of sins and refuse to be silent in the face of oppression. True empowerment means creating a world where all individuals, regardless of gender, religion, or ethnicity, can lead and thrive.

Our collective silence and inaction are the greatest sins of all. It is time to break this silence and fill the void with voices that demand change. Let us not be mere witnesses to the normalization of wrongdoings but active participants in building a just and equitable society. Only then can we truly honor the bare-handed simplicity with which we enter and leave this world.


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